Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
The only trouble is I don't know who or how to link people to this survey. So my rule addendum would be "IF YOU READ THIS CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED."
Here goes:
- I like jelly on my scrambled eggs. I've had pickles on pizza and have ordered peanut butter on my hamburger. Yum. (Friends episode where Joey says, "Meat, good. Jam, good..." I have to agree!)
- I had a duck as a pet (Softy) and she could tell the difference between cereal boxes. Her favorite was Alpha Bits.
- I was a preemie. My Lithuanian great grandmother predicted my birth when everyone else argued that it wasn't time. Born 4 lbs. 8 oz. a month early----Look at me now! lol
- I didn't get my driver's license until I was 27 years old. Probably due to the fact that I drove my mom's car into a laundry mat 10 years earlier.
- Drove a minibike into a fence after trying to go off a ramp. Should have been a clue to #4. Good thing I only use public transportation now.
- I've never jumped out of an airplane, bungee jumped, or surfed (even though I lived in CA) but I fell though a wooded bridge while on a hike.
- Before I was a Christian I didn't even know what a missionary was, now I "R" one!
Emily leaned over and helped add her link to this post. Good thing since she was the one who sent this to me. I would love to know more about you if you are reading this. Add your comments. Thanks and have a blessed day!
1 comment:
hello! just thought I'd give a online greeting as i haven't been able to deliver a real live one in a while!
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