Tuesday, December 18, 2007

There be ice on them there sidewalks!

The other night walking down an unfamiliar hill, that was quite slippery, the path was illuminated by the moonlight on the snow, quite beautiful but scary. I don’t want to fall! I recited a familiar bible verses [Psalm 94:18 When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me. AND Psalm 121:3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber] but I believe it really doesn’t apply to icy walkway. lol
Now there is still snow on the ground but it isn’t pristine white anymore. It has thawed and refrozen several times and has now been compacted by many people walking on it. It is quite the challenge to walk around. It is hard to know just where the icy patches are located. Well, today was a victory of sorts because I can say that I walked without falling to and from work, “YEAH!”…..but some others weren’t as lucky. If someone falls upon the ground now they not only get wet with the snow but add dirt and sand in the mix. This morning, while on a marshrouteka, someone who had fallen brushed up against me. It was dark, so I didn’t notice because bumping into someone is a normal occurrence. Then I sat in a seat where someone who had fallen earlier sat and my bottom got both wet and dirty from the snow that was left behind. I looked a sight coming into work. Wiping my pants with a damp cloth just smeared some of the dirt. I am glad I work behind a desk, most of the time, so my soiled trousers were hidden.
My pants are now in the washer to get a thorough washing while I type this blog.
Yesterday I discovered after I left the building that I hadn’t put enough change in my pocket to cover the transportation cost home from work. I knew I had enough for a bus ride and one metro token but then it would be a walk home. Some buses don’t have a conductor aboard to collect the money and some bus drivers don’t want to deal with the driving and collecting money. (This is unlike marshrouteka drivers who drive, collect money, make change, talk on a cell phone, have a radio blaring and listen to where the passengers want off.) Because of this fact, I had kept my 50 kopecks (a dime) to pay the conductor on the bus after the metro ride to complete my journey home. I was what they call “a rabbit” because I rode without paying. It is sad to think that I didn’t have 2 nickels to rub together!
And so the saga of my getting to and from work shall continue for a couple more days and then Christmas Break will begin! Yahoo.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I think I feel a draft!

Well, where do I begin and share an embarassing moment.
  • The elastic gave out in my wool tights yesterday while I was wearing them. Some would have thought that it was the cold weather causing my face to be red. It is funny because I was curious and was wondering if it was really cold enough to be wearing those tights when the elastic gave way and I found them slipping futher down inside my pants. So I can attest that there was a definite difference between my legs which were still covered and my now uncovered hiney. I am so thankful that I wasn't wearing a skirt and they would have become a trip hazard as they sunk slowly around my ankles. Now I gotta plan on going shopping in order to buy another pair because I have to say goodbye to ones which were faithful until the end.
  • As I was on my way to work I found a seat which was facing backwards and I could watch where I had been and I realized looking back you really don't know where you are headed. I also thought that it would be nice if someone would wash the windows on the buses and marshroutkas because it is hard to see where you are going. I don't know where the bus barn is located or I would be the 'someone' to wash the windows.
  • The new playground equipment must be up because I heard children tonight playing in that direction. Heard not seen because it was dark and I couldn't see them. I hope they were having fun.

These are my thoughts for the day. Blessings!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


The men worked even after it was dark yesterday putting up new playground equipment. This morning looking out my window they were assembling fencing to go around the play yard. That is what went in those holes along the walkway. They welded the fence and it goes directly across a worn diagonal path in the yard so I am wondering how the fence will fair when it comes to the pedestrians who come towards it. Will a new path be forged around the playground or will the determined pedestrians press through? I will let you know.
Today Alan went to Chernigiv. His plan is to go every first Sunday to speak at Valeryi and Valya's home church. I decided not to go this time.
My plan was that after church at KIBC, Emily and I were to go to a Anglican/Episcopal candlelight service downtown. Lori joined us and we treked up and down streets trying to find a particular yellow church. We finally trudged up a very steep cobblestone hill to our final location (right on time).
It was interesting hearing the Christmas story in a different way and they used as an illustration an orange to represent the world. A red ribbon wrapped around the middle representing Christ's shed blood. 4 candies stuck on toothpicks that were to remind us of the gifts He would bring to the world. And a candle because He is the light. Some responsive readings and scripture was read then candles were lit, lights turned down and we sung a few carols. Awww! An enjoyable time. To end the service we had mulled wine and mini mincedmeat pies.
Next week they will have an evening service of 9 lessons and carols. Lori leaned over to me and asked, did they say camels? It must have been their accent even though they were speaking English...and I didn't laugh in church. Maybe I'll go back....they may mention camels.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

New day, a new post

Happy December, everyone. 'Tis the season! It snowed last night. It is hard in Ukraine to count the number of shopping days until Christmas because it is celebrated on the 25th of December and the 7th of January. Stores have Christmas decorations out now and they will remain even after the New Year. It would be difficult if you were a 'Scrooge' here because the merchandizing goes on longer. I just don't recognize if the stores are playing Ukrainian Christmas Carols or not. I plan on going downtown to see the large Christmas Tree again this year and hopefully I won't be accosted by a group of Santas wanting money for a photo shoot. That actually happened 2 years ago.
A group of men with one shovel have been standing together outside digging and measuring out in the yard. One man digs while the others stand around and watch. I wonder what is going on. Why don't they have more than one shovel? I speculate that they may be digging holes for trees along the walkway but the holes aren't deep and what is with the measuring tape? Yes, plant more trees near a walkway that the roots causes the sidewalk to become uneven and is then a trip hazard. They stand around and then go over to a new spot and dig what looks like a small trench. The area has lots of trees and I can assume that more will be planted....then a truck pulls up and old, used bricks are thrown on the ground unceremoniously. Hmmm? Then playground equipment is seen. But you don't put playground paraphernalia along a walkway. I will keep looking out the window and I will write later about the happenings in the yard and views from my window.
Have a blessed day.

Friday, November 30, 2007

day 30 / 30

I did it! And it was quite enjoyable writing a bit of something every day. I enjoyed the National Daily Blog Posting Month.
Q: Why does a chicken coop have two doors?
A: If it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.—Dorothy Eldridge (thanks Dorothy, whoever you are.) That joke made me laugh.
I got off from work early today and I met Alan and we shared some Chicken Nuggets at McD's. Then we walked around a rynok, mostly just looking and talking. He said it would be nice to find a park bench where it would be quiet and without distractions. I asked for clarification...in this weather? No, was his response but in a warmer season it would be nice. So we walked in the cold, hand in hand and it would be called "window shopping" if there were windows. lol
We got home even before it got dark which was a nice change, too.
The joke was in my email inbox and it deserved the the honor of being part of today's post.

5 things I am thankful for....
  1. window shopping doesn't cost
  2. Worship Music....hands clapping, feet dancing while I listen to Ron Kenoly
  3. Memories of when I saw Ron Kenoly at the Key Arena in Seattle...my butt was too big to fit in the seats so I was glad I was able to stand for the whole concert... another lol
  4. I had Alan on the metro with me in the midst of crush of humanity...too bad it couldn't be me pressed up against him, we got separated when more people squeezed on....we got off at the same stop which was good
  5. It is good to be home and I am looking forward to seeing what the evening brings

Blessings to friends and family......November is over and December and the end of the year is almost upon us! Whoa!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

whoa! 2 in one day!

Looking through my inbox I received a newsletter with an article that I hope to apply in my life.
I copied it so you can read it as well and possibly choose to "take off" something...

What God Has Been Teaching Me Lately

Lawana Blackwell wisely stated, "Age is no guarantee of maturity."
Now that I'm well into my forties, I understand exactly what she means! My body has certainly grown-up as aging has followed its prescribed path; but in some areas of my life, it seems as though maturity is still catching up! We don't simply grow chronologically - sometimes we develop unevenly. Our number of years can exceed our degree of emotional, spiritual, or even intellectual maturity. No matter what our age may be, it's true that we can be mature in one realm and still be childish in another. If we don't think about this, we can remain immature as we age.
I have operated under the mistaken notion that childishness and immaturity would just fade away with time. I've ignored some immaturity in my life because I just assumed that the older I got, the more mature I would become. I wonder if I am the only one who has thought this way?
Paul said, "When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things." (1 Cor. 13:11) Paul knew quite well that the addition of years does not assure the subtraction of childishness. Childish things don't just fade away with time. They must be "put away."
It's finally cold here in Springfield and I pulled my winter coat from the closet where it has hung since last March. I would have been wearing that lovely wool Banana Republic bargain for the past seven months if I hadn't made a conscious choice to take it off and put it away?
My coat doesn't just fade off of my back because the weather warms up, the seasons change or the time passes. I have to put it away. That's the way we should approach childish things. We need to put them away also. After they have served their purpose, when the season of adulthood arrives, we need to take special effort to put away the childish things.
So what childish things are still a part of this season of your life?
A quick reaction when you don't get your way? (Ouch!)
Shouting (Oops!) or pouting when something happens that you don't like?
Operating from the belief that you are the center of the universe?
An unwillingness to share your toys (or food, guilty) ...or your time, your forgiveness or your treasures?
Part of the reason we still struggle with childish things far into adulthood is because we never took responsibility for putting them away.
Sydney J. Harris once said, "We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice - that is, until we stop saying 'It got lost,' and say 'I lost it.' "
In other words, we must be accountable for the childishness that remains in our lives. We must take action to "put it away."
So here's what I'm learning about putting childishness away:

  1. RECOGNIZE the areas of our lives where we still carry childishness.
    Is it in our attitudes? ("Poor me...that's not fair...") Note the season of your life. If you are an adult, do you think, speak and reason like an adult? Or do you have some tendencies to think, speak and reason like a child?
  2. REMOVE the childish things.
    You can't put away your coat if you don't first take it off. The same applies to childish things. Take them off! One tug at a time, - note how you speak, how you think and how you reason. If you entertain a childish thought, put it away. If you engage in immature speech, put it away. If you reason like a child would (this usually shows up in being unreasonable), put it away.
  3. REPLACE Put on...
    The same Paul who told the church at Corinth that he "put away" childish things, told the believers at Rome, Ephesus, and Colossi to be active in "putting on" that which would make them mature in Christ. If we put on the same, it will begin to replace the immature thinking, speaking and reasoning. It will replace childish things with maturity.

    "...put on the armour of light." (Rom. 13:12; also Eph. 6:11) "...put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." (Col. 3:10; also Eph 4:24) "...put on love..." (Col. 3:14) "To be mature means to face, and not evade, every fresh crisis that comes." (Fritz Kunkel) So if you are truly longing to grow up in all ways, then join me in facing the facts. It just might be time to put away childish things and put on the garment of maturity!
    Well... that's what's been percolating in me lately! - Jennifer

Thanks, Jennifer for sharing your thoughts and giving me something to think about...I wanna grown up and wear a new article of clothing.

day 29/30

It was fun tonight sitting at the kitchen table with the dinner dishes pushed aside and watching Santa Clause 2. A good way to finish my day.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. kleenex when you gotta sneeze
  2. soft, fuzzy, fleeze shirt....it's comfy
  3. Sunday comics from Las Vegas....laughter is like a good medicine
  4. quick search Bible software when you want to know where in the Bible that passage is located...I remember the context not always the address
  5. that when my fruit gets squeezed it will still be found tasty (I adopted "Joy" as my middle name)

Galatians 5:22-25 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Amen....that is my hope.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

day 28 / 30

It was busy at work with lots of different forms to fill in and/or create, complete making I.D. cards for the students and a full list of other things that I was able to juggle with finesse. I love my job! I then get served a hot lunch of Ukrainian food and I am in heaven. A seat of the marshrouteka and I can truly say, "I was blessed today!"

Coming home from work I almost literally ran into a friend. I was coming down a staircase towards a metro train and I crossed paths with Mickey who was going to meet his wife at Kreshadyck. He no longer lives near me and I rarely see him so I really see this as a divine encounter. Briefly, we spoke blessings to each other and each continued on our way. Smile

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. Enya...beautiful music

  2. needles and thread and the ability to repair a wool pair of socks I own...darn it

  3. my tarnished silver communion cup could be used in a science class demonstration

  4. the women who sits at the end of the boulevard, regardless of the weather, and sells sunflower seeds...yummy snack

  5. clean sheets on my bed....if you listen closely, you can hear me go, "Awwww!"

Blessings to you and yours!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

day 27 / 30

Just a random post - I had an enjoyable evening listening to Emily share her heart and perspective on many things. It was funny that she apologized for preaching but I liked listening. (Amazing!) That hasn't been a strong point with our relationship, not that it hasn't been a desire of both of us. I struggle with being a good listener. I wanna know where the conversation is headed and I interrupt asking questions for clarification which is interpreted as rude. She has many insights in the Word that I hadn't seen or thought of before. At times, I realize I don't think as deep on things as she does - which is neither good nor bad...just different. I just (at the moment) don't think I am a deep thinker. "do t do"

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. I am inside where it is warm and I can see the snow falling (again)
  2. I finished a project (GOLD STAR) - producing the KCA High School Student I.D.'s
  3. internet radio where I can listen to Christmas Music while I am at work
  4. I am able to help co-workers with their tasks
  5. And God hears my prayers and He hasn't completed the work He is doing in me (or you!)

Monday, November 26, 2007

day 26 / 30

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. quiet times
  2. busyness at work
  3. being able to pray with a friend
  4. Christmas decorations...ornaments, tinsel and lights
  5. Don’t despair because of evil; God will have the last word!

There are things in this world that we have no control over and I can waste a lot of time and energy wishing that things were different. But there is peace knowing that my Lord cares about me and the world and He has the final say. I trust Him to do what is right.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

day 25 / 30

When I went to the store there was a girl handing out an advertisement and sample of Colgate toothpaste. And there was another girl giving out samples of a liquid yogurt. (It was tasty!) Samples are nice way to try a product before having to purchase it. This was a new thing for me to see at the stores here in Ukraine.
With this encounter came a bit of nostalgia and fond memories of when I worked giving out samples at grocery stores and the setting up of displays at a wide variety of stores. I enjoyed that job very much. I once got paid to suck out dead flies in a display at the check out lanes at a Fred Meyer. (Not all the jobs were glamourous). Even with that in mind, I miss doing those job...except sometimes it was way out of balance telling consumers that you really "need" this product. I know for a fact that the only thing that everyone NEEDS is to have a right relationship with Jesus Christ!

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. Christmas music (a wide variety of favorites)
  2. Playing "name that tune" (and who's that artist) of songs, that I only hear during this time of year (I don't hear Christmas Musak in the stores during this season in Kyiv)
  3. Memories of Christmas' past and the chance to make new ones!
  4. Twinkle lights on the Christmas tree....they are pretty.
  5. The anticipation of stocking being filled

Blessings....it's begining to look a lot like Christmas....la dee dah

Saturday, November 24, 2007

day 24 /30

no mail at the post office when I went to mail a letter to my mom. The forecast was cloudy and it was true to the meteorologists predictions but I enjoyed my walk out along the boulevard. Arriving back home I made seasoned potato wedges and hot dogs for lunch. I used "Big Boy's" seasoning salt that came all the way from California. A gift from a friend. I misunderstood when Alan said Emily had already eaten. She just had just had something to have with her pills. Oops! I would have made some potatoes without the seasoning salt for her because she had said she doesn't like that much salt. Oh, well.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. taste buds...yum
  2. sudoku puzzles with sharp pencils or ink pens (if I am bold)
  3. fuzzy slippers
  4. my eyeglasses
  5. an umbrella - when it rains

With thankful hearts give praise to Jesus
For His blessings without end;
Let’s give to Him our full devotion;
He’s our Savior and our Friend. —D. De Haan

Friday, November 23, 2007

day 23/ 30

Met with friends from California and went to a pizza place near our home for lunch. I enjoyed both the company and the food. It is wonderful hearing their plans for a future church plant in Texas to reach college students. I am glad to add this to my prayer list and anticipate good reports as things move forward. After eating we came back to the apartment and enjoyed cheesecake and coffee. They brought us gifts of Starbuck's, Mountain Dew, hand santizer, Bath and Body Works Lotion and a pillar candle arrangement. Awww! That was so sweet of them. Thanks muchly!

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. friends who have a heart to serve God and see Him do mighty things
  2. the generousity of others
  3. popcorn and movies....downloaded from iTunes Santa Clause (an enjoyable afternoon)
  4. another day of rest....and no plans for tomorrow...it actually feels like a holiday
  5. a washing machine so I don't have to do laundry in the tub anymore. The wringing out was the hardest part and they look "forever" to dry.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

day 22 / 30

It's my 392nd Anniversary today! We celebrate every 22nd as a habit to not make it just once a year to say, "I am glad I married you!" This came out of not being together on our actual anniversary until year number 7! (That is another story). It is also Thanksgiving. Such a blessed day.
While walking to the post office to mail a few letters a bird pooped on my head. I have lived in Ukraine for several years, surrounded by trees...Kyiv is a very green city....and this is the first time I've gotten splated by a bird. I am so thankful that I was wearing a hat. There is still snow on the ground so I used that to clean of my hat and continued on my way. I was glad I was able to clean up my hat because the "stuff" landed right in front. I am so glad that it didn't land in my hair. Yuck! That would have been a major ick!

5 things I am thankful for....
  1. that I didn't have bird droppings as a hair conditioner
  2. a husband who continues to love me
  3. Emily who loves to cook...everything smells so good! I feel my tummy grumbling
  4. I have a 2 litre bottle of Coke Light in the fridge...chillin'
  5. intense 'Pounce' playing will commence soon

Hooray For Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving dinner;
Let’s not be late;
There’s lots of good food,
So fill your plate.
With pie at the end,
It can’t be beat;
Hooray for Thanksgiving,
There’s so much to eat!

poem found on the internet

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

day 21/30

This is a second attempt at posting this blog.

I had a busy day today because I did 3 day's work in one day because tomorrow and Friday is a school break. Happy Thanksgiving! I received many invitations from co-workers for the celebrating the day. We had already had plans. Emily invited some young people to join us for the day to eat and watch movies. I heard several families trying to recreate the familiar foods menu for the holiday. They have been trying to locate sweet potatoes, turkey and cranberries. We have chosen to do chili and soft tacos. Emily has posted the menu on her blogs and has been busy making desserts today. The plan is that she will cook and I will do the cleaning. I am not sure how many people will come tomorrow but everyone is welcome!

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. I can sleep in tomorrow and not get up at 5:00 a.m.x
  2. I don't have to cook
  3. I don't count calories
  4. I can veg
  5. God peace which supasses understandingis available to me.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

day 20/30

It is so good to receive response to newsletters, emails and posts that have been written. So I have been truly blessed today. It was fun to receive news from friends far away. This makes the distance between us seem that much smaller.
I had a surprise today when a friend drop by at work and it was good to see her. And when I got home Emily told me that she wants to come to KCA in order to take some photos of me at work. Whoa...a photo of me typing and answering the phone....that should be so exciting. lol

5 things I am thankful for....
  1. Josh Groban's amazing voice...I am listening to his CD....Sing, Josh, sing!!!
  2. communication....in all it's varied forms
  3. asprin....I have a headache and need some relief
  4. I get to serve Christ until He decides to take me home
  5. Emily stroking my head, praying for me anf if you listen closely you may hear a purrr!

If we are motivated by our love for God, no amount of ingratitude will be able to hinder us from serving one another. Nothing we encounter from others will be able to exhaust our determination to serve others for His sake.

Monday, November 19, 2007

brrr! it's cold - day 19/30

my hands got so cold while waiting for the bus. i didn't think it was going to be long and my gloves were in the bag i was carrying. i really should of put them on. when i got to the front door i had trouble holding the key to enter the building. alan literally had to pry the things out of my hands when i arrived at our front door.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. pretzels 'n peanut butter
  2. i didn't fall on the slidewalk
  3. photographs of friends who are far away
  4. dreams that are yet fulfilled 'cause i trust in perfect timing for all things
  5. the anticipation of the food and fellowship this coming Thursday (a low calorie activity)

It’s Thanksgiving dinner; Let’s not be late; There’s lots of good food, So fill your plate. With pie at the end, It can’t be beat; Hooray for Thanksgiving, There’s so much to eat!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

day 18/30

An excerpt from Our Daily Bread - An old spiritual warns, “Everybody talkin’ ’bout heaven ain’t goin’ there.” Since heaven is God’s dwelling place where His presence and glory are manifested in all their splendor, He has the sovereign right to determine who will be admitted and under what conditions. Any other beliefs about the how and why of admission into heaven are sadly mistaken.

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name . . . by which we must be saved. —Acts 4:12

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. I believe that Jesus loves me
  2. that He died for all my sins - I am a sinner in need of a Savior
  3. that I can trust Him...His promises are true - He is coming back!
  4. God has a plan and a purpose for my life
  5. God gave us a Sabbath rest and He makes it Holy

spend time with the Jesus -He is as near as you let Him to be!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

day 17/30

When we first arrived in Ukraine the grocery store we most often visited had only one (1) push cart. We were so jazzed one day when we got it. We even took turns pushing it. Oh, happy day! The trouble was that we filled it and then we had to carry all those groceries home. The hand carry baskets may not carry all the groceries you want but you know how much they weigh. Now....there has been a shift at the market. More push carts and less hand carry baskets. Why? More people have cars and they don't have to carry all their groceries in one load. Alan And I walked home from the store today, each carrying a bag and we saw a car pulled up near our apartment loaded with stuff from the market. They bought several frozen pizzas and cases of soda. Ah...those were the days.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. grocery stores close to my home
  2. carbonated beverages (Coke Light in Ukraine...Diet Dr. Pepper in the States)
  3. Sandman who keeps me from falling on my keister
  4. swiffer dusters (courtesy of my Mom's care packages)
  5. a tall husband who can reach the top of the chandelier

Friday, November 16, 2007

Day 16/30

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. the reality that stupid conversations occur in families
  2. the Holy Spirit hasn't given up on me or completed the work that needs to be done
  3. it's Friday...'nuf said
  4. snow outside and I am staying in with a good book
  5. God never makes a promise that He will not keep

I wrote my Blog now it's time to get off the 'puter and back to the book before I miss something.....lol (reading Christian Fiction)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

a matter of perspective

When I got to the metro station it was still light outside. After five stops and being underground the train emerged out of the tunnel into darkness. What a difference. I missed seeing the sun go down. I took a bus that goes near our Post Office so I got off to check the mail. Sadly to say there wasn't any. I was walking home and the sidewalks were covered with ice in places and I proceeded home with caution. Almost to our building my foot slipped and hit what I think was an exposed root. "Pop" went the tendon on my left foot, followed by some pain. Not good is what I was thinking. I hobbled home and when I took off my boots I felt the back of my ankle and was surprised to discover the knot that I have been suffering from for years was gone! I think all the prayers for my Achilles tendon was answered. It popped back in place. It is funny but my left leg feels longer now. I am going to walk in the belief that it has been healed and God will continue to restore my body and bring it all into alignment. I will keep you posted.

5 things I am thankful for....
  1. tuna fish in a can from America - not too fishy and no bones
  2. a little therapeutic ice
  3. a wonderful man who has a heart to serve that blesses me daily
  4. borrowed episodes of Numb3rs to relax in the evening with occasionally
  5. the knowledge that I don't have to do anything alone

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped. —Psalm 28:7

Day 15/30

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

day 14/30

two weeks and I am still going...like the energizer bunny. I am pleased with the NaBloPo Month. I have really enjoyed the habit of writing something everyday. I haven't come to any profound insights or monumental revelations but it is a discipline that may someday bear fruit.
The snow went crunch under my feet and the sun shone brightly on the white covered ground. This usually is a brief glimpse of the outdoors because I work where my back is to the window and my view includes a computer screen most of the day.
I got so focused on a task at hand I was unaware of the person who was standing patiently for my attention. I told him it is alright to clear is throat or make some other sound to get my attention. I usually am aware of the people who come into my workspace but today I was target fixated. Later he came back and followed my advice, cleared his throat and smiled. He shared this suggestion with his wife so that when she came by my desk she also coughed. I am glad I know the reason for their congestion otherwise I would think they are suffering and are in need of prayer. lol

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. Ukrainian friends who continue to try and teach me phrases (I am not a very quick study when it comes to languages)
  2. The Addison's who are currently serving the Lord in Africa by sharing the good news with the Masai - they show me a missionary's heart to serve until Jesus calls them home
  3. fuzzy scarves - they tickle my neck and my nose
  4. a broche I wear on my tam - it was my Grandma's and it reminds me of her
  5. So greatful that God isn't ADD

[ Warning to Pay Attention ]

We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. Hebrews 2:1 NIV


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Back to Work - day 13/30

I went back to work after being off yesterday. There was heat and power back in the building. Several trees had succumbed to the weight of the damp snow. There was a crew removing the fallen trees and branches. There was much laughter from the kids who were busy throwing snowballs before coming into the building. And the snow continues to fall.
I mostly played "catch up" with the tasks that were to be done while I was gone and the ones due yesterday. I received lots of praise and blessings because I was back. It is good to know you are missed.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. Friends who send care packages
  2. Family who understands I turn into a pumpkin early - I haven't learned to pace myself to leave energy after I get home
  3. Fish sticks & French Fries
  4. Food coloring for Fancy cookies (Emily is preparing to bake cookies, as I type this blog)
  5. Freedom in Christ

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Monday, November 12, 2007

Day 12/30 (an uninspired title)

Snow on the ground, but not falling I trudged off to work. It was a longer than usual wait to see any transportation going down the rode towards the metro. So I waited and I was glad I was bundled up warm. I am not sure how cold it was but I jumped on the first mode of transportation, a marshrouteka, because I hadn't seen a bus going by in either direction. Just 50 kopecks more to ride than a bus.

I was just about to leave the metro station when my phone rang telling me that Angela had arrived at the school and there wasn't any power or heat so school was canceled for the day. Generally, I arrive to school approximately the same time as Angela.
I just jumped back on the metro, going in the opposite direction, and headed towards home. My phone rang again and I got off to answer it. [Much too difficult for me to answer my phone while on the metro and wearing gloves.] It was Susan calling to make sure I had gotten the message that school was canceled.

The debate was now to go out and catch public transportation home while still on the Right Bank, Kontraktova Plosha, or get back on the metro again. The thought of being outside waiting for a bus that still had to travel over what might be an icy bridge...I chose to jump back on into the crush of humanity. A few minutes later I was safety back home and I got to enjoy a second breakfast with my family...ahhhh!...and my own personal space. That is hard to maintain a personal space bubble while out in Kyiv, a scowl doesn't help and isn't very attractive.

5 things I am thankful for....

  1. this computer which gladly takes my hunt & peck technique of typing to record my thoughts
  2. one-eyed Jacks
  3. my afternoon snack of peanut butter and pretzels (would have celery but the stores don't carry it often)
  4. The current book I am reading, Bookends, by Liz Curtis Higgs and it makes me laugh. (It said so on the cover and it's true)
  5. I am thankful for all those who pray for me on a daily basis or as the Spirit leads. I know you are out there!

“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”- Colossians 1:9

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

drizzle, flurries, blizzard

Well, the weather couldn't decide what it wanted to do today. It was really slushy to walk to the bus stop and the journey to the metro and then the walk to the church. Because of the snow you couldn't always see where the puddles were. I had boots on but my socks were damp by the time I got into the building. It was warm in the building but you could hear the storm increase in fiercness while the preaching was going on.
Alan preached about the Heart of Worship and was quite animated. It is wonderful when he is passionate about what he is speaking about.
When it was time to leave it looked like a blizzard was upon us.
I am glad to be back home and have my wet clothes, socks off and am in the process of getting warm again.
I will be needing to go out in this weather tomorrow but at a much earlier time. I hope to hear the crunch of the snow and not the slush, squishy sound like today.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. My family who serves the Lord with their whole hearts as a lifestyle, not just a Sunday thing
  2. Chicken nuggets and french fries (a very satisfying lunch)
  3. Kristie, who is one year older today! Happy Birthday grlfrnd!
  4. Pounce, a game played with family and friends
  5. God's Word for today - Hebrews 13:15-16

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Chilly or chili?

Day 10/30
Today I hope to continue my rest and recovery. There is still an unease in my tummy. I will need to gather up some strength and brave the cold temperatures when I walk to the post office. I want to post a letter to my mom and then I may be able to say, "I've got mail, too!"

5 things I am grateful for....
  1. A tea kettle that still works with a broken whistle and handle. (the amusing thing is that it is still able to make a sound that tells me, "I am heating up!")
  2. Friends who write me short or long emails to keep in touch
  3. Skype...so I call with it just costing pennies (If you have a computer, we could talk for free!)
  4. The ability to smell...I am anticipating a pot of chili simmering on the stove. I know I should stick to the "BRAT diet" and bland food, but on a cold day warm, comfort food brings fond memories with it.
  5. Continuing to learn to be content whenever, wherever and with whomever I am

O Lord, help us to be content, whatever we possess; protect us from the foolish lie that “more” brings happiness. —Sper

Friday, November 9, 2007

still recovering

I am still recovering from a stomach bug that has affected also Alan and Emily. Isn't it wonderful, a family that shares Everything? I called in sick again to work and I am praying that resting throughout the weekend I will experience full health.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. co-workers who pick up my slack, with prayers and thanksgiving
  2. warm wool blanket when I am shivering
  3. breakfast stayed in my tummy (Hallelujah)
  4. My husband, who tries to cheer me up when I am sick
  5. Eternal life! Life here is only temporary.

Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. —John 3:14-15

Our Lord took death upon Himself

On that cruel cross of pain,

And those who look in faith to Him

Eternal life shall gain! —Johnson

Amen! And the end on blog post #9.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm sick! Blogathon post #8

At first, I thought it was just something I ate but I think it "must be a virus" because Alan and Emily are exhibiting the same symptoms. I didn't go to work today because I wanted to stay close to the commode. Luckily, when I don't feel well, I tend to rest and I have no problem sleeping. I am not eating to starve out this "bug" and hopefully I will be able to go back to work tomorrow.
5 things I am thankful for....
  1. indoor plumbing
  2. 1 liter plastic bottles filled with hot water to keep the bed warm
  3. understanding co-workers who picked up my slack
  4. glad to know I am not indispensable, but missed
  5. the promise of God when the sick are prayed for they will recover...Amen!

Blessings to my friends and those who read my posts.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day 7/30

And the count goes on.
I tried a different route to work today just for the variety. I met Galina at the bus stop and we had a very fun try at communicating since she doesn't know English and I don' know much Russian. But I understood that we both were headed for work. She asked after my family and I learned she has a daughter and a couple of grandkids. She was able to hang on to me during the commute on the metro since she wasn't able to reach anything to hold on to. I was glad I could help. We parted ways and I continued my journey. As I arrived out of the metro station wondering where to catch the marshrouteka I needed - it pulled up right where I was standing. The same did not happen on the trip back. I waved to get the marshrouteka driver's attention but he drove on. So I caught a different one and sat next to a student from KCA. It was nice to learn a bit about him as we traveled and I got to share a few stories as well. So, in reality it was a pleasant journey there and back.

5 things I am thankful for....
  1. I am mechanically gifted because I am able to repair the jams in the copy machine. (Today I didn't even get my coat off before I was called to HELP!)
  2. A hot lunch - Plov and salat
  3. A new blouse from a friend (Thanks, Kay)
  4. Popcorn - great snack food!
  5. God is my refuge and strength

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. —Psalm 20:7


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Einney, Meany, Miney, Moe!

Thought for the day!
I am here in Ukraine and I looked at the calendar near my desk at work and saw that today is Election Day in the States. I know as Christians we are called to pray for the leaders who are over us but sometimes it’s hard to know exactly how to pray for them, especially not knowing them personally. Should that stop me????
As I continued to think about this, I realized that a good place to start praying is for what they need. Every leader (regardless of country, state or position) could use an extra dose of God’s wisdom for the challenges and decisions they face. In addition to wisdom, prayer for integrity—for honesty and uprightness in their actions and freedom from deceit would be an important request. Prayer that they would have a genuine commitment to doing what is best for those who are under their authority and asking God to give them humility that will enable them to use their power not for their own gain but for the good of the people would be a refreshing change from the media reports we hear. Prayer that godly people will be in their circle of influence and prayer that they will come to know Christ as Savior could be included.
Aren’t these the very things we all need? Ummm!
Go Out And Vote! Our right and very dear privilege. Don't take it for granted.

5 things I am thankful for….

  1. That God has established governments for our good
  2. We are under His authority
  3. More flurries between the sunshine
  4. That my stomach growling before lunch did not scare the children or my co-workers
  5. For plumbing that works [the water was turned off at school today]

Day 6/30

Monday, November 5, 2007


It's Monday and it snowed today - light flurries were falling when I came off the metro at Petrivka to catch transportation to school. I didn't have to wait long to catch a bus. So, I sat in the warmth and watched the snowflakes swirl by the windows.
A bus is better at times than a marshrouteka because you have better visiblity. I am afraid to say but my butt has often blocked the view out the window for other passengers on the marshroutka. Humanity crammed in a van SRO is how you travel by marshrouteka. It is a challenge to find something to hold on to and it also is an extreme challenge to bend over to look out the windshield to see if you're near your destination. Moving forward towards the exit is fun - you get up close and personal to the other passengers trying not to step on toes.

Day 5/30
5 things I am thankful for....
  1. A seat on public transportation! Hallelujah!
  2. wool tights (my legs are warm even though a bit itchy)
  3. Sunshine - you can tell that my expectation is that it will soon be just a vague memory. Winter's can be long.
  4. Proverbs (Wisdom writings)
  5. My family (ahhhh!)

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. [excerpt from the Message Proverbs 3]

Blessings on your day, dear readers, I pray that you get to know the Lord more and more. He made each of us unique and loves us. That is an awesome thought. AnnMarie

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day 4/30

5 things I am thankful for....

  1. Gotta go to Chernigiv to see Valery and Valya

  2. Witnessed God move in our midst even through the use of a translator

  3. Got fed till I thought I would "pop" [Ukrainian food is so good]

  4. Saw blue skies

  5. Gotta see Emily at home before I turned into a pumpkin...good night....zzzzz

Saturday, November 3, 2007

5 more things I am thankful for

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. I saw blue skies today
  2. Yummy "Puff Pancakes" breakfast
  3. Bought a scarf and it was 50% off - a bargain!
  4. Lunch out with friends
  5. a nap, cuddly and warm under my afghan my Grandma made

Day 3/30

Friday, November 2, 2007

Short and sweet?

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. it didn't rain on my way home from work (Yeah! I know I wouldn't melt but I am glad not getting wet and squishy)
  2. I received a care package from my Mom (she loves me!)
  3. Emily made dinner (yum!)
  4. My husband is doing the dishes (thank you!)
  5. It's Friday night and I don't have to go anywhere (Yipee!)

I feel tired right now but it is too soon to go to bed. My eyes are tired and droopy. Where's the toothpicks? tata till t'morrow!

Day 2/30

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What to blog?

I read a post that said that November is "National Blog Posting Month." The challenge is to post something everyday. OMG NaBloPoMo will be difficult since I haven't been in the habit of writing daily but I'm up for the task.....it's not yet 8:30 and my bedtime.
I am a whimp and I retire early every night to ensure I get rest before getting up at 5:00 a.m. to start my day.
It seems like everyone at work is complaining about illness and discomfort and I don't desire to join their ranks.

Sometimes we forget for a moment just how many of God's blessings we have - then Thanksgiving comes and gently reminds us.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. The roof over my head and the comfy bed I lay down to sleep upon
  2. My alarm clock to wake me in the morning
  3. My husband, Alan, who gets up to make me breakfast regardless of when he came to bed
  4. My job, which I love and am thankful for after spending two years waitng and being still
  5. A seat on the metro for my trip coming home

Day 1 - blog 1/30

Friday, October 12, 2007

We don't fall down!

A mass of humanity pours out of the metro cars and it's only 6:45 in the morning and not even rush hour. As individuals we decide which direction we want to go but in reality we surge forth. There are several choices of which direction is needed to go to reach your destination but I am one of many who need to move up a staircase towards a transfer station. We walked up the stairs and reach a platform where several other staircases meet and in mass we begin to sway, step, sway, step like "weebles" wobbling to and fro to the one escalator that goes down. I smile because we wobble but we don't fall down. This is just a phase of my daily journey to work on public transportation.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Salad, anyone?

Walking past a gauntlet of babooshkas (grandmas) selling their fruits, vegetables, apparel, etc. I noticed a basket of leafy greens. "Hmm, a salad would be nice for a change." Too bad I am on my way somewhere that stopping to purchase veggies would be a problem. As I look a few steps closer to the granny I saw that she was taking a sip from a bottle and then when I was directly next to her she proceeded to spit all over the lettuce I had been admiring. Why, just why??? That was just sick and wrong. I wanted to yell - Woman, sprinkling water on the veggies is alright, but don't spit. Now it may be a bit longer before I get to enjoy a salad.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


I walked along a leaf strewn sidewalk on the way home and was so thankful for the sunshine. I love the sound of the dry, brittle leaves as I step on them. And seeing all the different colors and variety of leaves.
This morning I walked in the rain to the bus stop and I had thought it was going to be a gloomy, dreary day. I am glad I was wrong! Thank you, Lord for a beautiful day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pass the Salt!

The other day I was eating my lunch in the teacher/staff lounge and someone asked me to pass the salt...and I did. Doesn't sound too amazing, except I was able to hold and pass the shaker with my left hand. It is wonderful when I realize that I can again grip something and not have it get away from me. Not to long ago I wasn't able to hold a sheet of paper in that hand.

Observations of the day.
Ukraine just had a political election and I don't know who won but I am amazed that all the signage is gone regardless of the party. I remember in the States seeing billboards and worn signs on fence posts long after the election.

I saw a fuzzy caterpillar today inching is way down the sidewalk this morning. I hadn't seen one in a long time. It was all black. I remember the distance between the stripes was meant to predict the winter. So what does no stripes mean? A Long, Cold Winter? I better get buttons sewn onto my wool coat and locate all my scarfs and gloves, just in case.

The metro car I rode in today was decorated with chocolate & dessert advertisements on the outside. This is unusual because they are generally painted blue with yellow or gold trim. The funniest thing was that I didn't notice when I rushed to get on at Maidan but I did when I got off at Petrivka and it was pulling away.

I have been seeing a woman everyday at the bus stop in the morning. Well, the other day I saw her in the afternoon and she was coming into my building - she is a neighbor! I learned that her name is Sveta and I look forward to our building a relationship even it is only briefly to say, "Good morning" (dobraye ootra); "See ya later" (pakah) or the phrase for the day...oodachyee! (Good luck & best wishes). I am looking forward to being able to tell her about my Savior, Jesus. Because of Him I have something much greater than luck. da sveedaneeya

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Gift From God!

With my injured hand it makes it hard to carry items in my right and left hand. I love my purse but I need to carry other items to school/work which includes my lunch - and that doesn't fit in my purse! I lifted a prayer that God I need help as my plastic baggie is ripping and I don't know how I will be able to go shopping to find something to fill my need.
Well, when I arrived at work there were items on a shelf that said "FREE" and in the midst of these items there was a bag that was absolutely perfect! It was cute with a tapestry pattern of kids around the world. It had long straps to fit over my shoulder, large enough to carry all my necessary items including my lunch, water bottle and umbrella. It even had a long zipper to close the bag and keep everything secure.
Gosh, that was a fast answered prayer!
Later in the week, when I was placing my lunch in the fridge, Angela said,"I am so glad you picked the bag I left." Oh, Angela it was an answered prayer and I proceeded to tell her why.
God cares all about all little details in our lives. Talk to Him because He listens.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Surprise Party!

I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me about her surprise birthday party on Wednesday. Cousins, John & Barbara, from Colorado, came to her house with loads of food and a cake. My mom told me she was still thinking she was going out to dinner with them because she had gotten a gift certificate for a Mexican Restaurant. Barbara told her to eat something but she thought she didn't want to spoil her appetite. Even when some friends showed up to the house, she didn't quite understand what was happening. So when more guests arrived she just stood at the open door realizing this was a party just for her on her 80th birthday! I heard that Barbara thought of everything. She brought in flowers, a punch bowl, tablecloths, etc. to make this a special day. This was very much more than a card and a blessing - these two cared enough to give such a great gift! Thank you so very much for blessing my mom! The only thing that was missing was me being there to join in the fun.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Happy Second Anniversary KIBC

I really didn't want my elevator experience to overshadow the anniversary event of the church I attend in Kyiv. KIBC (Kyiv International Bible Church) had their second anniversary and there were many testimonies and celebrating the fact that this church was established to reach the international community we live in. The Spanish and Chinese group sang in their own languages and you could really feel the praise go up as they worshipped. The Persian group also shared what God is doing in amongst the Muslim people. No one is too far from the love of God.
As we move forward there are more people who need to hear of the saving grace of our Lord and he wants none to perish.
Testify of the great things God has done....He is not through with any of us yet!


Today I experienced a first - being trapped in an elevator between floors. We were going to Doug & Kay's for lunch after church. Doug & Alan stopped at the store to get beverages so Kay, Emily, Joel, Ira and I piled into the large freight elevator in the Clark's apartment building. Luckily, Ira was with the 5 of us and could speak to the downstairs guard that we were stuck. The guard reset the elevator controls and she told us to push the button but nothing happened..so we waited. Joel was carrying two roasted chickens that were to be our lunch and the aroma was pleasant though our circumstances weren't. This was a first for all of us and Kay admitted to being claustrophobic. She also recalled a scene from the movie, "You've Got Mail" where Tom Hanks and a few other people were trapped in an elevator. They reflected on how they were going to change if and when they got off the elevator. There weren't any deep reflections in our group but we did share some laughter wondering how long this will take. Emily pulled out a camera and took photos of our entrapment and rescue. The maintenance guy who opened the door was surprised at our smiling faces and good attitudes. We were stuck below the 3rd floor with a small, yet large enough gap to squeeze out of. Doug brought a stool to assist my getting out of the elevator. With a bit of scooting on the floor and rolling to my knees I was able to get up without using my left impaired hand. Ta Dah!

Friday, August 17, 2007

What a gift!

A friend and fellow missionary, LaJean, just stopped by and presented me with a real jar of Skippy Peanut Butter! Be still my heart. Alan can have his caviar.....I just need to grab a spoon. If anyone ever reads my blog and wonders, "What could I possibly send an American missionary as a gift (besides financial support)? Peanut Butter is my preferred choice. Creamy, Chunky...it just doesn't matter. Singing, "Heaven, I'm in heaven..."
Unlike me, Alan and Emily are coffee drinkers so their answer would differ from mine.
Hint: Starbucks.
Thanks, LaJean for your most generous gift!

Caviar vs. Snot?

I just got a text message from Alan that he is having champagne and caviar for breakfast and I have yet to prepare my morning bowl of snot. lol Oh! the contrast. Which would YOU choose?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Crush of Humanity

Alan made it to Yalta even after being left behind at the airport. He found his way from the airport to a bus station to take alternate transportation to where he needed to be. Emily was worried and I can't wait to hear the lessons learned from his experience. He arrived later than he had anticipated but safely. Thank You, Jesus.
This morning, I woke up early, which in its self is weird, and I went to the school all by myself. Emily and Lori were still asleep when I left so I wrote them a note. I made it fine even with the crush of bodies on the bus and metro. This was different than on the weekends when I travel and I am usually offered a seat because my arm is in a sling. Today no one noticed because no one really looked at one another....it seemed like everyone had the expression that it has already been a long work week! I expect with having to get up early everyday and facing the crush of humanity that early I may begin to sport a grim expression, too. No, I really don't think that is going to happen - me grim. lol
There wasn't really anything I could do at school because I couldn't get the server to access the files I needed. So, I just wrote Day, the Headmaster (his title), a note saying I would see him and the others on Monday and then came home.
Later, Alan called again and said he was enjoying his time sharing with Jeff, even though it's brief and he will be home tomorrow. Happy that he lives where we does. I will have to explore exactly what he means by that. Wherever I "hang my hat" is home to me.
I am never alone.

I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there.
If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.
Psalm 139:7-10 NLT

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Psalm 37:4

I have been looking at some Christian Women Blog sites and one post asked, "Do I have a dream?" Ummm, I didn't know what to answer after the image of Martin Luther King, Jr flashed before my mind.
I know that the Bible has a verse, Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. But I always wonder what those desires are?
I do know that I would want them to be in line with God's will and His best, so I sit here being still and waiting to know that answer. I will let you know what I find out.
Alan is on his way to Crimea. He is flying to Simferopol and then go to Yalta for a few days. He is meeting up with a few Foursquare guys to share about his heart and mission work in Ukraine.
Maybe we can go down to the Black Sea someday as a vacation. It is more a question than a dream.
Ta ta for now.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Worship Night

Every Monday night Emily invites people over for a time of worship and prayer in our home. Last night it was interesting that after singing some praise about who God is, we spent some time quiet before Him. We gathered in a circle, held hands and I know for a fact that God was ministering to each of us. I am not sure exactly what....so I guess I need to be still a little bit longer. ;)
Now it is Tuesday and there are not many plans for the day except getting the laundry done. I am so thankful I have help to hang it up on the line for me, especially the jeans which are so heavy when wet. I need to make sure that the clothes Alan wants to pack are ready because he leaves tomorrow via a plane down to Crimea to meet with and talk about church planting principles. One guy, Jeff, we already have met when we were in Washington State this summer. Small world, sometimes. Alan will be away 3 days, which isn't long since we used to do 6 month deployments.
That's it for now. Time for me to get off the computer and ask the Lord, What does He want from me? Is it better late than never? ummm?

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Smelly Splint Remains!

I thought I was going to go to a clinic to get an x-ray today to verify my bones have healed so I could take the splint off my hand. Oksana was going to go with us as a translator but she called and said the appointment was canceled and we need to wait two more weeks for another one.
Emily was pleased for this news because she was afraid I would overdo when the splint comes off.
My plans are that I would transition into a brace that could be removed for showering. I am longing for a shower where I don't have to wear a plastic bag on my arm and hold it above my head to keep the splint dry. With all this heat and my perspiring...the splint is beginning to stink. Do I offend?
That's is all the news for now. Again, God's grace is sufficient is my mantra.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

What a friend!

My friend, Kay was so dear to me today because she not only met me at the metro station but showed me exactly how to get to the school where I am going to be working.....together we changed metro lines, got off at Petrivka, saw which marshroutka (#25) to take and the sights to look for (we go past a Circuit City, a maternity hospital, an Orthrodox church, a casino and a building with a green roof, just to name a few). This was all for my benefit to reassure me I am going the right way and show me eactly where to get off. And we did the return trip as well together. With a friend like this you can truly build up your confidence - "I can do this!"
I actually saw parts of town I had never seen before.
She could of tried to verbally give me directions but that isn't her style.
Thanks, Kay. I enjoyed our day together.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Got the Job!

Today I went to KCA (Kiev Christian Academy) to become a volunteer member of the staff working in the school office. The school is located across town and I have yet to get the exact address for the building. I made it to a metro stop and the Director/Prinicipal (unsure of his title) drove there and brought me to the school. He wasn't sure of how to get to the school via public transportation.
The two friends I would call to inquire about this information are currently out of town - and this isn't exactly an emergency call. I will need to know how to get there on my own. I can't keep bumming rides from my new boss!
I read lists of duties that are required and even with my broken hand I am confidant I will be able to handle it. I say this with tongue in cheek because school hasn't started yet and there will be lots of names and faces I will need to learn. This year the academic classes are students in the 1st through 12th grades.
I will be working 5 days a week - and will be away from home most likely 10 hours a day. That is certainly a change of pace from what I have been doing. This will also require an adjustment for Alan and Emily - but I expect support for this new phase of my life.
So I expect that there will be lots of future blogs of the goings on at KCA.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Such a blessing!

When Alan & I had our lunch and we played a game of Phase 10 I found out that he just wasn't ready to work on his projects or tomorrow's sermon. I determined to ask an important question, "Are you willing to either to try and fix our printer or throw it out?" (I was tired of seeing the box in our bedroom since October 27, 2006!) So he decided to try and fix it one more time before throwing it out. It had previously been repaired for this same ailment but that time it was under warranty and now he was concerned for the cost of sending it in to be repaired.
So...with a bit of grunting, banging and some finesse he got the printer apart. The scanner portion of the printer just wasn't docking properly. He tried to disconnect the scanner but the printer wouldn't work without everything in proper order. He thought about it and determined that there was an optical sensor that wasn't seeing it was in the correct position. With a Q-tip and a few swipes....walla - it works. We are dancing with joy and praising God for Alan's mechanical aptitude and his only battle wound was a minor scrape. A band-aid on his owwie and all is right with the world. Hallelujah!
No more hand written letters to my mom - she will appreciate this as much as we do.

Out for a Walk

My arm in a sling and flip flops on I was ready to go out in the world. Simple errands were needed. Go to the library and print off the Internet bill and a song for Emily. And then make 4 copies of each song. Well, one of the sheet protectors had two songs! Tried to call Em to find out which one was needed. She called back and the crisis was averted. Pay and then the plan was to go to the store to get something for lunch. Today the fountains were spraying water skyward from the canal and on the sidewalk I saw a man with his hand bandaged and there was a moment of recognition and understanding without a word being spoken. At the store we got some breaded cutlets things, rolls and some eggs for breakfast. Not a lot of shopping. I also wanted Diet Coke but there wasn't any. We didn't go down the gauntlet of vendors that sell produce on the street but headed directly to the bank to pay the bill. There wasn't a line - a surprise. And coming out of the bank Alan remembered I wanted Diet Coke and he stopped at a kiosk to get me a one litre bottle. We are home again and he is preparing me lunch. Ah! Such is the life I live.
Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Just heard the news!

I just heard of the change of plans for friends, Jana and Robin....they are moving to Mexico in October to serve at a Foursquare base there. When we just left them last month they were talking of building on their property. I guess God had other plans for their future.
Our home church, New Covenant Fellowship has a way of growing missionaries. Train them to listen to the Lord and obey when He says go. What a legacy!
I am trusting that the Lord will raise up people to begin to serve in their stead and in time they will hear the call to go. NCF is a praying, reaching, teaching, sending resource center!
With their leaving the Northwest, I hope that maybe we can coordinate our furlough times and places to see them again and give hugs.
It has been a month since I fell and mid-August I will have an x-ray to verify the bones have healed. Then I will be working on getting movement back in my hand.
Guess what? I may have a volunteer job at a school here in Kyiv and doing office work again. I had thought I would be attending school in September as a student. So now I hope to get a language helper to help with my Russian speaking. The school is for MK's and teaches in English. My friend, Kay teaches 5th grade. She is the one who mentioned the need for office help. Is God good...I may get to make copies again....What joy!
We some times make plans but God has other ideas.
Good thing we can make our requests known to God and then leave them in His hands.
Many blessings for a God-filled day.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Home Again

Back to Kyiv with hot and humid weather. Las Vegas was hot but it's a dry heat. After 2 planes 11 pieces of luggage was loaded in a van to bring us home. Our bags are unpacked and we are readjusting to the heat and the time changes.
Since being back we have had friends over to celebrate Emily's 21st birthday and to worship together. I am so thankful for being able to gather together and worship our Lord and Savior.
It will be several more weeks of my left hand being immobile before getting an x-ray to verify my bones healing. Then I will begin physical therapy to restore movement in my hand and fingers.
My family is a blessing to help me out and again I am learning more deeply to be still and KNOW He is Lord!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Familiar Faces & Divine Appointments

We (Alan, Emily & I) are currently in the great Northwest. We have been apart while visits to relatives has occured in different states and locales.
Returning to Oak Harbor has been a wonderful blessing.
After living in a place for 25 years you find there are lots of familiar faces that you recognize and it is wonderful to stop and share what we have been doing since we've been gone.
Walking in a store where I can read all the product labels and then stopping to chat in the aisle with friends has been fun.
I even have met people briefly as they are going about their business of the day and we stop for a smile and a hug in the doorway of Office Max, the Chamber of Commerce, Library or Pregnancy Care Clinic! I have friends in many places.
Our home church even placed a sign on the highway proclaiming "The Beckett's Are Back!"
I appreciate the tangible expression of their love.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Arrived Safety

It was a long flight and a rather bumpy one at that coming into Las Vegas.
Tonight we may do the tourist kind of thing and walk down the Strip and check out the sights.
It is wonderful having the opportunity to spend this time with my mom.

I am at the library and my time online is coming to an end.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Tomorrow- Airport bound!

My bags are packed and I am ready to go....I think. A worry comes up, "Do I have everything?" With taking suitcase(s) I feel as if I am taking too much because I have been used to carrying everything I need in a backpack only on excursions while in the Ukraine and even traveling to Budapest. I know we are going over light and coming back heavy. The plan is to send some things on a slow boat after we slogg through our storage unit we still have in Oak Harbor, Washington. I know that there are some food items (canned goods and Peanut Butter) that will also be included in the boxes shipped. So what if it takes months to reach us.

Tonight we are having dinner guests and then a worship night with an unknown number of friends. We gave out an open invitation. I catch myself thinking...were we crazy to do this on the night before we travel? But I also realize that to spend the evening with friends in worship and then to receive focused prayer is a good thing. In fact, it is the best way to spend everyday!

Our friends love us even if the house isn't spotless, so breathe, relax and to quote someone whom I love dearly, "It's all good!"

Well, if I have forgotten anything I will be able to get replacements in the States. Gotta run and check the bedroom one more time....lol

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Saying Good-bye

I am getting ready to go to church - KIBC (Kyiv International Bible Church). Today I will be saying good-bye to some because I leave on furlough on Tuesday. There are others I will be saying good-bye to that I don't know when I will see them again. While I am away they will be moving from Kyiv and I don't know if our paths will cross again, but I do have the assurance that I will see them again in heaven because we share the same faith in Jesus Christ and accept the fact that He died for our sins and because of His sacrifice we have eternal life.

Last night I dreamt about the security checks we will go through before boading our planes and afterwards before leaving to our destination once we land on American soil and I got excited. This is a known event that is going to happen and I get the chance to tell why an American chooses to live in Kyiv and what I do here.

I am an Ambassador for Christ and He has a plan and purpose for my life and I get to shine bright in the darkness and confess that He is my Lord!

In reality....I get to do this EVERYDAY!

Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.
2 Co 5:20 NKJV
Be Blessed and choose today to serve Him with gladness.

Friday, April 27, 2007

3 days and a wake-up!

It is hard to believe that we will be heading to the States on furlough after being in Ukraine for almost 2 years!
I didn't really experience culture shock coming here so I am wondering about the reverse going back. We will be away from here for 3 months before returning to our island home of Rusanivska.

Alan will be doing training up until the day we leave...in fact he is out doing some training on church planting principles as I write this. Emily is also out at this moment and I am home alone.

I enjoyed lunch with a friend today. It is funny that we don't get together more often than we do. I ate whatever choose my fancy from the selection at the counter and blessed it to my body. I wasn't exactly sure what I had ordered. My Russian skills aren't great but people are generally gracious and understand my juvenile speaking and gesturing. Ukrainian cooking is very good and I enjoy the food even though I don't always know what it is.

At a table near us two guys were eating lunch and drinking Vodka. One guy looked our way and smiled. Soon he came over and spoke to us in Russian what sounded like a blessing. Michele understood some of what he said and I gathered a bit as well. Then he sat back down. Then he got up again and Michele was concerned he was going to try and talk to us again thinking by now he was drunk but he walked past. The man had gone to the counter and purchased us a candy bar and gave if to us and said God bless you. We spoke back our thanks and blessed him as well.
Maybe I talked louder than I thought and he heard me praying before the meal and some of our conversation? So I was given a tasty dessert of chocolate. To some....a girl's best friend. LOL

Then another YWAM'er Jeff came in with a guy to have lunch and after introductions this guy said he has noticed me walking around town. I smiled in response. Kinda overwhelmed....like God was telling me see he notices, too.

We are all so precious in His sight. Thank you for reading my first blog and letting me share a bit of my day with you. Now I am going to play a game online. Paka (informal good bye)