Thursday, November 1, 2007

What to blog?

I read a post that said that November is "National Blog Posting Month." The challenge is to post something everyday. OMG NaBloPoMo will be difficult since I haven't been in the habit of writing daily but I'm up for the's not yet 8:30 and my bedtime.
I am a whimp and I retire early every night to ensure I get rest before getting up at 5:00 a.m. to start my day.
It seems like everyone at work is complaining about illness and discomfort and I don't desire to join their ranks.

Sometimes we forget for a moment just how many of God's blessings we have - then Thanksgiving comes and gently reminds us.

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. The roof over my head and the comfy bed I lay down to sleep upon
  2. My alarm clock to wake me in the morning
  3. My husband, Alan, who gets up to make me breakfast regardless of when he came to bed
  4. My job, which I love and am thankful for after spending two years waitng and being still
  5. A seat on the metro for my trip coming home

Day 1 - blog 1/30

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