Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm sick! Blogathon post #8

At first, I thought it was just something I ate but I think it "must be a virus" because Alan and Emily are exhibiting the same symptoms. I didn't go to work today because I wanted to stay close to the commode. Luckily, when I don't feel well, I tend to rest and I have no problem sleeping. I am not eating to starve out this "bug" and hopefully I will be able to go back to work tomorrow.
5 things I am thankful for....
  1. indoor plumbing
  2. 1 liter plastic bottles filled with hot water to keep the bed warm
  3. understanding co-workers who picked up my slack
  4. glad to know I am not indispensable, but missed
  5. the promise of God when the sick are prayed for they will recover...Amen!

Blessings to my friends and those who read my posts.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

plastic bottles as "hot water bottles" hmmmm GREAT idea! I never thought of that!

I'm glad you are better and made it to church. Please let Alan know I enjoyed his sermon very much today!