Wednesday, November 28, 2007

day 28 / 30

It was busy at work with lots of different forms to fill in and/or create, complete making I.D. cards for the students and a full list of other things that I was able to juggle with finesse. I love my job! I then get served a hot lunch of Ukrainian food and I am in heaven. A seat of the marshrouteka and I can truly say, "I was blessed today!"

Coming home from work I almost literally ran into a friend. I was coming down a staircase towards a metro train and I crossed paths with Mickey who was going to meet his wife at Kreshadyck. He no longer lives near me and I rarely see him so I really see this as a divine encounter. Briefly, we spoke blessings to each other and each continued on our way. Smile

5 things I am thankful for...
  1. Enya...beautiful music

  2. needles and thread and the ability to repair a wool pair of socks I own...darn it

  3. my tarnished silver communion cup could be used in a science class demonstration

  4. the women who sits at the end of the boulevard, regardless of the weather, and sells sunflower seeds...yummy snack

  5. clean sheets on my bed....if you listen closely, you can hear me go, "Awwww!"

Blessings to you and yours!

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